Sinds de oprichting van Paracentrum Texel, in 1969, zijn vele militairen opgeleid. Inmiddels is Paracentrum Texel zo bekend geworden in de militaire wereld dat wij naast Nederlandse- ook verschillende buitenlandse militairen opleiden. Zo komt bijvoorbeeld elk voor- en najaar een groep Engelsen, traditiegetrouw, terug voor hun springweek. Maar ook militairen uit de Verenigde Staten, Koeweit en Hong Kong en heel veel andere landen, weten Texel te vinden!

Static line square

Tijdens deze opleiding spring je met een ‘square’(of wel een matrasparachute). Vandaag de dag wordt door speciale eenheden van defensie gebruik gemaakt van deze square, die nog maar weinig gemeen heeft met de ronde bol.

Door de speciale vliegeigenschappen van deze parachute is hij nauwkeurig te besturen en de landing is superzacht. Met dit scherm wordt gesprongen vanaf een hoogte van 3500 ft (ca.1100 meter). Het is onze goedkoopste opleiding om 5 sprongen te maken, die vereist zijn voor de militaire wing.


Signup: English MSLC course
medical declaration form

Grondopleiding op kazerne

In overleg met het Paracentrum kan de grondopleiding eventueel plaatsvinden op je kazerne. Dit gebeurt dan in de avonduren en is mogelijk voor groepen vanaf 10 deelnemers. 

Het voordeel is dat je, later op Texel, na een korte briefing meteen kunt gaan springen.

Neem telefonisch contact met ons op om naar de mogelijkheden te informeren.

MSQ opleiding prijzen

De grondopleiding bestaat uit:

  • Kennismaken en omgaan met springmateriaal
  • Stabiel leren afspringen uit het vliegtuig
  • Het openen van de reserveparachute en adequaat leren handelen in bijzondere situaties
  • Sturen
  • Een goede landing maken door de zgn. pararol uit te voeren

De wing mag je dragen nadat je vijf sprongen hebt gemaakt. Na het behalen van de wing zijn er op Texel mogelijkheden te over om je verder op het terrein van het skydiven te ontwikkelen!


Neem voor een groepsprijs (vanaf 10 personen) contact op met Jan Boyen Rienks via telefoonnummer 06-21580487.


Cursisten van de afgelopen 2 jaar die nog recht hebben op het maken van inhaalsprongen zijn verplicht de grondopleiding opnieuw te volgen. Tijdens het seizoen kan de grondopleiding voor square elke week worden meegelopen.

Je moet de grondopleiding opnieuw volgen indien je na de grondopleiding niet binnen 2 maanden je eerste sprong hebt gemaakt en wanneer je langer dan 3 maanden niet gesprongen hebt.

vervolg sprong
€ 49,-
Losse static line sprong. Exclusief eenmalig jaarlidmaatschap KNVvL -in verband met WA verzekering- á €45,-.
Briefing en instructie
Static-line sprong van 5000 ft
Materiaal huur
Vouwen van parachute


If you’d like to enroll in this parachuting course there’s a few conditions to take into account.

  • Minimum age
    You need to be at least 16 years old. If you’re not 18 years old yet then we’ll need a signed declaration of consent from a legal custodian.
  • Maximum weight
    Including shoes and clothing your weight may not exceed 100 kg. If your weight is slightly more; please contact us..
  • Passport photograph
    You need to bright a passport photograph on your first day of the course.
  • Medical declaration
    To enroll in any parachuting course (such as AFF, FJC, TJE or MSQ) you need to provide a medical statement declaring you fit for the course.
    Please take note:
    The document is only valid if and when signed by a medical doctor and with the doctors personal stamp applied (the stamp should at least state the doctors identification number). Download a medical declaration form here.


An overview of items to get in order as soon as possible:

    A bit obvious maybe, but the first step is to enroll for the course itself.
    Paracentrum Texel owns and operates it's own hotel where many of our students stay for the duration of their course. The hotel is situated very close to the airport; ideal for those looking for a cosy stay at Texel's lowest rates.
    The hotel offers simple, clean and very hospitable service, especially geared towards serving skydivers.

    When you stay at the hotel and show your confirmation email you receive a free Skuumkoppe (Texel's famous local beer) and a 'bittergarnituur' serving (fried finger food) per night. Book via the website or by phone (+31222311466).

    Make sure to get your medical declaration in order as soon as possible. Most GP’s are willing to provide their patients with this document but sometimes we do hear of GP’s that aren’t comfortable to sign one.
    In such an event you’ll have to revert to a sport medical institute. Please take into account that a waiting period could be applicable. Without a medical declaration you can’t jump.
     Download a medical declaration form here.
    If you don’t have one available; don’t forget to have one made to take with you to Texel. 
    You don’t have pack and bring anything exotic as far as shoes and clothing goes. Clothes that enable you to move freely, for instance if you were to go for a run, is fine. The same goes for foorwear. Simple sneakers are perfectly suitable for jump activities.
    Just make sure your shoes don’t have hooks (old fashioned army boots) that can snag a line and that your toes are covered (so no flipflops).
    After booking your course via the website you’ll receive an email that holds a link to a ‘waiver’ / ‘release of liability’ document. Please read and then sign the document before arriving at the Paracentrum.
    If you’re between 16 and 18 years old we’ll need a signed agreement from your legal custodian(s) that states that you’re allow to parttake in the course. Better not forget to bring it!

Courses: general

The AFF-course (Accelerated Free Fall) is the most common teaching method to learn how to jump fully independent out of an airplane. This includes the free fall, as well as the knowledge how to handle the parachute and the landings. If you successfully finished this course you may jump independently (solo) as a sports-parachutist.

The FJC (First JumpC ourse) is an amazing opportunity to get a taste of Skydiving. In this course you will be busy with learning how to handle the parachute. After one day ground instructions, you will be jumping out of the airplane with a static line attached to the airplane. Hence, you will not feel the free fall yet,but know how to fly under a parachute. After 5 static line jumps you will have earned your static line brevet (and also your Wing).

The TJE (TotalJumpExperience) is your chance to learn how to fly under the parachute, by doing one day ground instructions and 5 static line jumps, followed by a first AFF jump, in which you will experience the free fall. This means after this course you only need another 6 AFF jumps to be an independent (solo) parachutist.

On the first day of your course you will need:

  • Your medical examniation paper *
  • Two passport photos
  • If applicable: your voucher
  • If applicable: your payment confirmation
  • Casual/ sporty clothing
  • Solid shoes (without open heels or high-heels)
  • Enough water & sunscreen

* The medical examination needs to be signed by a doctor, with his stemp and his BIG number.

Download Medical Examination Paper

Well begun is half done:

  • Make sure you are on time fir the registration. The courses start at 9am. Depending on your travel distance, it might be good to arrive a day earlier, since you also need to take the times of the ferry into account. This way you will be fit and well rested on your first day of the course.
  • Wear solid shoes!

Not sure whether jumping out of an airplane is the right thing for you?

Try a tandemjump with us, you will make the first experience of the exit out of an airplane, the free fall, steering a parachute and landing back on earth. Most of our course participant have been infected with the stoke for parachuting after a tandemjump!

Yes. Without a medical examination you are not allowed to participate in any of the jump courses we offer (e.g. AFF, FJC, TJE).

The medical examination can be done by any general practitioner and usually does not take any longer than 5 minutes.

Attention: The medical examination is only valid if stemped and signed by the general practitioner.

Sportjumpers who have not finished their A-Licence need to refresh/ renew their medication examination every two years.

Download Medical Examination Paper

The minimum age for sport jumpers is 16, which means that also participants may not be younger then 16. Nonetheless, till your 18th birthday you need the written allowance of your parents or legal guardian to participate in a jumping course.

Parachuting is a very age-diverse sport. Many jumpers keep jumping till age 60, 70 or 80.

However, to start jumping out of an airplane is different then being experienced and continuing throughout his/ her life. The most important fact is your physicalhealth. Hence, please inform us if you are older than 50 years. We will then talk with you and see what options we can offer, especially since safety of all our participants is the most important to us!

If you cannot finish your course in one go (e.g. because of bad weather conditions), then you have the chance to finish it within one year.

However, play attention to the following rules:

  • A harness-test is valid for 3 months. If you do not have a valid harness-test anymore you need to do a new harness-test. (This is the case for all sportjumpers who do not have a finished B-License.
  • The ground-course is valid for 6 months. Hence, if you have not jumped within these 6 months, you need to participate again in ground-instructions.
  • In order to participate in a Dutch jumpcourse you need to be insured via the Dutch jumpers association (KNVvL). This insurance is valid for 1 years and needs to be possibly re-freshed if you finish your course much later in time.

These rules are applicable to all our courses offered.

An important fact that is also good to know: Paracentrum Texel is daily open from April till October!

When you book your course you'll automatically be signed up as a trial member at the Dutch National Parachuting association (KNVvL). Parachute jumping activities insurance is included for all members. The insurance policy is valid for a year.

MSQ (Military Static Line)

Als je geslaagd bent voor de Military Square / Military Static Line opleiding (MSQ) mag je zelfstandig static-line sprongen uitvoeren. Na 5 static-line sprongen ontvang je het namelijk het static-line brevet.

Je moet wel elke 3 maanden een harnastest doen, net als elke springer die nog niet een B brevet heeft.

Let wel op: als je langer dan 6 maanden niet gesprongen hebt zul je weer een (gedeeltelijke) grondopleiding moeten volgen.

As there is no freefall component with static line jumps training in a windtunnel won't help you much. In a windtunnel you specifically learn how to move your body in freefall.

Attending a windtunnel/ indoor skydiving course is excellent fun though and we highly recommend spending some time in one.

Groundschool will take up sunday and monday morning.You'll be jumping from monday afternoon till friday. The weather conditions will dictate when you'll get to jump.

Yes, you can combine the MSQ course quite well as quite a bit of time is allocated to wait for good weather and during that time you're free to discover the Island.

No, this course is available for civilians as well.